
6 lifestyle trends from around the world that you need to know about

6 lifestyle trends from around the world that you need to know about
6 lifestyle trends from around the world that you need to know about

You’ve probably heard of the cool Danish trend known as hygge and, more recently, the Swedish way of living that they call lagom.

But in case neither of those work for you, psychologist Dr Saima Latif, of Celebrity Cruises, has rounded up lifestyle trends from around the world that might be more to your liking…

Sisu, from Finland

(Celebrity Cruises)

Finding it hard to stick to your New Year resolutions? Sisu is all about determination in the face of adversity.

“The idea that you pick yourself up and carry on is perfect for those that often catastrophise their failures,” says Latif. “The key is the sustainability of this stoic determination, that will help you tackle adversities whether big or small.”

Jugaad, from India

(Celebrity Cruises)

Jugaad is all about the process of finding ingenious solutions to tough problems. Latif describes it as a “life-hacking” exercise.

“This approach to life would assist us in understanding that problems in life or errors that occur do not need to pull us down or cause us more stress – for there will be a solution and a way of fixing the problem,” she explains.

Gemutlichkeit, from Germany

(Celebrity Cruises)

The German word “gemutlichkeit” is used to describe a state of warmth and friendliness. Latif believes this simple concept can make a big difference to mental wellbeing.

“Whether it’s gathering friends together for good food and drink, or taking the time to make others feel welcome – the sentiment of togetherness can banish feelings of loneliness that can often take their toll on our mood and even physical health,” she adds.

Pono, from Hawaii

(Celebrity Cruises)

There is no literal translation of “pono” into English, but the general description is – treat others as you would like to be treated.

“What makes this way of life particularly unique is that it is all-encompassing,” Latif says. “This sense of morality can benefit us by allowing us to feel harmonised and at balance.”

Wabi-sabi, from Japan

(Celebrity Cruises)

Not everything in the world is perfect and wabi-sabi teaches you to accept that.

Latif explains: “Taking time to accept and even appreciate the naturally imperfect world can positively change our perception of the world and alleviate the stress that striving for perfection can cause.”

Friluftsliv, from Norway

(Celebrity Cruises)

Friluftsliv is all about embracing nature and the outdoors to free the mind and spirit.

“By taking yourself out of your busy urban environment and into the quiet of nature, even just for a few hours, your mind is given the mental space free from distraction and noise to order your thoughts, put things into perspective and therefore encourage a sense of calm,” Latif says.