
A 10-year-old boy got photobombed by a shark and it's pretty terrifying

A 10-year-old boy got photobombed by a shark and it's pretty terrifying
A 10-year-old boy got photobombed by a shark and it's pretty terrifying

Pictures have emerged of a boy narrowly avoiding a nasty encounter with what’s believed to be a great white shark while surfing in Australia.

The photos, posted by the boy’s father Chris Hasson on Facebook show the 10-year-old Eden, surfing at Samurai Beach, Port Stephens, Australia. In the cresting wave, mere feet from his surfboard, a shape can be seen lurking beneath the surface.

James Cook University shark researcher Andrew Chin says the photograph possibly shows a small great white shark.

Chris Hasson – Eden Hasson: Playing with sharks…. | Facebook

Eden had a lucky escape; according to the Australian Shark Attack File there were 26 shark attacks in Australia in 2016, two of which were fatal.

In the post, Hasson describes the scene: “I’m on the rocks taking photos of Eden. I see a big dark shape and about to call the small group in and Eden takes [off] on a left and smashes it to the beach.

“Just as he is taking off I see something out of the corner of my eye. I keep shooting and after he finishes and starts paddling out I zoom in on the second photo and see he’s just done a backhand snap on an 8 foot Great White Sharks head.”

This kid has a pretty cool story to tell his mates when he gets back to school.