
Someone did the thumb trick on Question Time and it was the highlight of the show

Someone did the thumb trick on Question Time and it was the highlight of the show
Someone did the thumb trick on Question Time and it was the highlight of the show

This week’s edition of Question Time touched on Brexit and the special relationship, but what people were really talking about was a disappearing thumb in the background as an audience member spoke.

The BBC show itself tweeted about the cheeky stunt, which distracted from the woman in front’s very important point about MPs voting against Brexit.

If the naughty chap thought he was going to get away with it, he was quite wrong. Here he is moments before the disappearing thumb happened, thinking up the dastardly plot, no doubt.


It appears that David Dimbleby and guests James Cleverly, Diane Abbott, Angus Robertson, Susie Boniface and Geoff Norcott didn’t notice the classic piece of physical comedy going on in front of their very eyes.We doff our imaginary caps to you, oh great television prankster. It certainly lightened up the show.