
Here's how Donald Trump's job approval rating in office fares against his predecessors

Here's how Donald Trump's job approval rating in office fares against his predecessors
Here's how Donald Trump's job approval rating in office fares against his predecessors

Donald Trump may have only been in office for 10 days but how do the people of America rate his progress thus far?

We took a look at the 45th president’s job approval rating after his first days in office, and how it fares against those who were in the position before him – and it’s not looking too great…

Leading the way is Barack Obama, who held office for eight years, with an approval rating of 66%. He’s followed by the 43rd president George W Bush, who also occupied the White House for two terms.

Bill Clinton trails behind with a rating of 54%, while George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan both split the country with 51%.

Then there is Trump, with his approval rating of 42%. Less than half of America supports the progress he has made in his first 10 days.

(Evan Vucci/AP/PA)

Following his inauguration on January 20, President Trump has signed an executive action to jump-start construction of a US-Mexico border wall, signed another which gives federal agencies the power not to have to pay for the Affordable Care Act, and imposed a travel ban on those from seven mainly-Muslim countries coming to America – a few of his first acts.