
A bizarre orange alligator has been spotted in the US and everyone's making the same Donald Trump joke

A bizarre orange alligator has been spotted in the US and everyone's making the same Donald Trump joke
A bizarre orange alligator has been spotted in the US and everyone's making the same Donald Trump joke

You wouldn’t expect alligators to be orange but, believe it or not, such a reptile exists. At least in the US.

A strange orange alligator has been spotted near a pond in South Carolina and residents are calling it “Trumpagator” – possibly in reference to US President Donald Trump’s skin colour.

According to local residents, the alligator, believed to be between four and five feet long, has made several appearances in the neighbourhood.Although the cause of the alligator’s colour hasn’t been determined, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources official Jay Butfiloski believes its rust-coloured hue may have come from where the animal spent the winter, possibly in a rusty steel culvert pipe.Thankfully the orange skin may be temporary, as experts say the alligator will shed its skin and probably return to its normal colour soon.