
There was an actual snake on an actual plane

We have had it with these motherflipping snakes on this motherflipping plane.
We have had it with these motherflipping snakes on this motherflipping plane.

Get your Samuel L Jackson gags ready because an actual snake hitched a ride on an actual plane.

The reptile was found on the tarmac at New Zealand’s Auckland Airport yesterday having arrived as an uninvited guest on a private jet from Brisbane, Australia, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) said.

“A Ministry for Primary Industries snake handler was quickly on the scene and managed to capture the unwanted stowaway,” said the MPI’s Craig Hughes.FYI, that means somewhat made enterprising use of a bucket.But of course, everyone’s minds went immediately to Sam Jackson.

The reptile tourist is unlikely to cause the same sort of mayhem that made the 2006 film an unlikely hit.It’s thought to be a brown tree snake – which is not harmful to adult humans but, as a notorious invasive species, can be devastating to local bird populations.Last week, a snake was found on a flight to Anchorage, Alaska.