
A dull Manchester United vs Celta Vigo match exploded in just the last 10 minutes

United are through to the Europa final, but by the skin of their teeth.
United are through to the Europa final, but by the skin of their teeth.

Manchester United went into tonight’s match with much to lose: sure, they had a 1-0 lead against Celta Vigo, but the pressure was well and truly on for the Reds to follow through and make it to the Europa League final.

United fans felt pretty complacent – that is, until the dramatic finale of the game.

(Martin Rickett/PA)

In all honesty, it was quite a dull match. Within the first 20 minutes United scored a goal (thanks to a brilliant cross from Marcus Rashford and a header from Marouane Fellaini).

From then, United fans thought they practically had the whole thing sewn up and were practically booking their flights to Stockholm.

But in the 85th minute everything shifted dramatically, thanks to Facundo Roncaglia’s goal for Celta Vigo. This changed the entire direction of the match, as United suddenly found themselves in a very dangerous position – if Celta Vigo scored another goal, they would go through to the final.

This, caused United fans to completely panic. No understatement – they lost the plot.

The goal really kicked a sluggish game up a notch as tensions ran high, culminating in a brawl. Both sides were awarded red cards: one for Eric Bailly and the other for goalscorer Roncaglia. Even after they got sent off, the argument continued as they walked off the pitch.

(David Davies/EMPICS)

Just to make sure that no United fans were left without heart palpitations, in the last minute it looked like Giudetti was going to get a goal and dash United’s hopes. Luckily for the Reds, he fluffed his chance.

This means that United are through to the final – although that can’t have been an easy match to watch for fans.

It was far closer than anyone would have cared for, and undoubtedly not something that Mourinho would want to repeat in Stockholm on May 24.