Have you ever had a thought you believed was fascinating and totally unique? Well, there’s a place on Reddit dedicated to cataloguing these exact moments.
Shower Thoughts is a subreddit which bills itself as a place to share “miniature epiphanies” which “highlight the oddities within the familiar”.
Here’s some of the finest, funniest and most intriguing such epiphanies users have had to offer.
1. People who pee on the toilet seat walk among us every day and we don’t even know who they are – organicburgerking
2. I wish you could just record silence and then play it on loudspeakers on full blast to make the whole room quiet – actually_crazy_irl
3. Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don’t know what either of those things are – jgam7z
4. Scotch aged 12 years sounds a lot better than Scotch from 2005 – bizzcut
5. If I see Google in a show/movie I think nothing of it, but if I see Bing, I know it’s product placement – evan3138
6. There shouldn’t be a stigma about going to the movies alone. The activity where you can’t talk to someone should be the one you can do alone – zachwilly
7. At some point I worry that self driving cars will go a route just to ensure you see certain stores or billboards, the real world equivalent of a pop up ad – jerimiahf
8. There should be a millenial edition of Monopoly where you just walk round the board paying rent, never able to buy anything – RonSwanson23
9. Sleep should be rolled over. Like “Oh, you got 20 hours of sleep today? Cool man, you don’t need sleep for the next three days.” – smthngwittyncreative
10. Fitbits are just like Tamagotchis, except the stupid little creature you have to keep alive is yourself – Jimoiseau
11. Me at 8 years old: “When I grow up no one will tell me when I have to go to bed.” Me at 33 years old: “Ooo, there’s an app that will analyze my sleep quality and patterns and alert me when my optimal bedtime is approaching.” – TheCaIifornian
12. Bill Gates is like a video game character who’s unlocked everything. All he can do now is self-imposed challenges like cure malaria to keep things interesting. – BornOnTheFourth
13; Every semicolon I have ever used has been a shot in the dark – geyserpj