
Check out these amazing dresses made from left over Christmas wrapping paper

They are just beautiful.
They are just beautiful.

These beautiful gowns are made from left-over Christmas wrapping paper, transforming the designer and model into a Disney-esque princess.

Olivia Mears, 26, expertly fashions the materials into fantastic dresses.

The first dress was made from “paper and decorations leftover from the Christmas mayhem” aided by a “separate petticoat underneath for support and comfort”.

Dresses created by and worn by Olivia Mears/AvantGeek (Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)
(Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)

“I started making wrapping paper dresses in 2013 after having enough large scrap pieces of paper and ribbon that I thought a dress could be possible,” she told Press Association.

“I’ve been hooked since. I’ve made three in the four years after I started, and plan to make many more.”

She has gone on to make items out of other unconventional items or recyclable goods.

Dresses created by and worn by Olivia Mears/AvantGeek (Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)
(Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)

Part of the process is posting her creations on to picture sharing site Imgur.

“The community seems to appreciate original creative content and provides a good bit of constructive criticism – as opposed to just plain bad criticism,” said Olivia who goes by the name AvantGeek online.

“I’ve been posting there since before I started making dresses, so it’s always fun to be recognised for past projects I posted years before.”

Among her recent success is the Drip Dress (2017), made from latex and paint.

Olivia Mears/AvantGeek's Drip Dress 2017 (Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)
(Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)

“It turned out exactly how I envisioned, which rarely happens (as) I get carried away in the building process and often change the design midway. It was selected to be part of the alumni exhibition at my alma mater where I began making unconventional dresses, bringing my artistic journey full circle.”

Olivia works full time hosting artist workshops with a non-profit. In her spare time, she sets to work on her costume design, both professionally and as a hobby.

Dresses created by and worn by Olivia Mears/AvantGeek (Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)
(Olivia Mears, AvantGeek)

Olivia can be followed on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.