Strange things can happen when you’re a little loopy after an operation.
Writer Nicole Cliffe kicked off a conversation about her experience on strong painkillers.
I got ketamine after I broke my leg and it was amazing. I was convinced I was a Creamsicle (the orange and vanilla kind, to be clear.) Then they pulled my ski boot off while I was in the k-hole. The break was just above the ankle so I’m glad I was busy being a Creamsicle.
— Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) February 19, 2018
She continued: “I had asked them to just put me out cold before taking the boot off and they wouldn’t do it, just said ‘it’s going to hurt a LOT but you won’t form any memories of it’ and I was like ‘ok that still sounds like I’m going to feel a lot of pain in THIS version of my consciousness’.”
People shared their own stories of the strangest things they’ve said or done on painkillers, and the examples will definitely make you laugh.
From strange hallucinations…
After a procedure, my husband wouldn't leave me unattended in the car, so we're in the grocery store to get my prescriptions.
"Tom, Tom, there's a lion!" I say loudly, freezing in the aisle, terrified.
It was a woman in a fur coat.
— Eryn (@Leighbra) February 19, 2018
This reminds me of the time I was on morphine after breaking my arm at the shoulder. When someone pulled the sheets up, I became convinced that I was in a casserole dish being covered with a giant lasagna noodle, and they were about to bake me in there with some ricotta.
— Jade McDougall (@muskrat_hands) February 19, 2018
To saying bizarre things…
When I brought my husband home after his vasectomy he made a beeline for the cat and just sat there petting the cat and muttering "fuzzy" over and over again.
He swears he doesn't remember a thing.
— V. Larkin Anderson (@Bridgebury) February 20, 2018
I woke up after a endoscopy and could only speak English for an hour- which is a bit odd, considering I live in Brazil and half the staff (plus my poor grandma who was with me) couldn’t understand a word I was saying. “Portuguese is so hard”, I said.
— Paula Strauch 🍓 (@paula_s_c) February 19, 2018
To bursting out crying in public.
Omg yes I was 15, after I woke up from surgery they said crying was a normal side effect but I started full tilt sobbing. The nurse asked what's wrong, I screamed "MUFASA DIED"
— @lyssa (@AlyssaMaynard) February 20, 2018
I had a minor surgery to remove a tiny cyst from my eyelid. My dad came to pick me up–I begged for a KitKat, then when he bought me one I wept "It's just like I imagined!" and then proceeded to gently mash it against his lips for the rest of the drive as he refused to try it.
— Emily C (@lilolmoi) February 19, 2018
One Twitter user even realised the meaning of life on painkillers.
Coming out of wisdom tooth surgery, on ketamine: I became convinced I had struck upon the philosophical theory of everything and tried to articulate it with my mouth full of cotton. I got as far as, “I have a lot of thoughts right now.”
— sarah jeong 🐱 (@sarahjeong) February 20, 2018
Bring a pen and paper if you’re going to hospital, you may write an epic poem.
When my brother had his wisdom teeth out, he kept talking and spitting out the gauze in the recovery room, so they gave him a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote the following poem:
Roses are redMy jaw is blue/purpleMy tongue is obese(And then the last line is just scribbles)
— schenna jwartz (@JennaNotRinger) February 19, 2018