
This guy built a mini Golden Gate Bridge to help his cat go to and from his room

As Reggie gets older, leaping to and from the window ledge is no longer a viable option.
As Reggie gets older, leaping to and from the window ledge is no longer a viable option.

When Reggie the cat suffered a fall while trying to jump from the garage into his owner’s room, Chris Burton knew something needed to change.

Fortunately for Reggie, 23-year-old Chris is a bit of a handyman, and he had the perfect solution to his ageing pet’s problems: a home-made Golden Gate Bridge.

Except this one is tiny and in England, not San Francisco.

“It was about 06.00, I was sleeping with my window open and I heard a cartoon-style, Roadrunner-esque fading ‘meow’ as he (Reggie) fell,” Chris, from Hampshire, told the Press Association. “He was completely fine, didn’t even have a limp or anything.”

Reggie was checked over by the vet before Chris set to work building his mog’s new toy, with Reg hanging around during the building process, which took five days.

Reggie the cat
Reg sleeps off his exertions (Half-Asleep Chris/YouTube)

At the end of it all Chris had created an impressive structure – one you’d think Reg would be proud to call his own – but it initially took some tactically-placed treats to entice him to use it.

The real Golden Gate Bridge spans almost two miles across the Golden Gate, a narrow stretch of water, and connects the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.

A yacht race takes place near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco
The real Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (Noah Berger/PA) (Noah Berger/PA Archive/PA Images)

It’s a beautiful bridge, but how many cats does it transport?