
Peter Davison quits Twitter over Doctor Who sexism ‘toxicity’

The Fifth Doctor had lamented the loss of a role model for boys.
The Fifth Doctor had lamented the loss of a role model for boys.

Former Doctor Who star Peter Davison is quitting Twitter after being greeted with “toxicity” over comments suggesting the first female Time Lord would hurt young boys.

The fifth actor to play the Doctor was widely criticised after he said Jodie Whittaker’s casting meant “the loss of a role model for boys who I think Doctor Who is vitally important for.”

He took to Twitter on Monday morning in an attempt to clarify his remarks and appeared to announce he was quitting the social media site.

In a series of posts he wrote: “For the record I didn’t say I had doubts about Jodie. I said “she’s a terrific actress and will do a wonderful job and we need to open it.. .up”.

“I also urged uncertain fans to be supportive about change. It was a caveat about role models in an otherwise positive answer.”

“All this toxicity about a sci-fi show has been sobering, so I’m calling it a day. @PeterDavison5 used to be fun. Now it’s not. Must Dash.”

At Comic-Con Davison said Whittaker is a “terrific actress” who will do a “wonderful job” and hopes those who find it hard to adjust watch “with an open mind”.

He added: “If I feel any doubts, it’s the loss of a role model for boys who I think Doctor Who is vitally important for.

“So I feel a bit sad about that, but I understand the argument that you need to open it up.

“As a viewer, I kind of like the idea of the Doctor as a boy but then maybe I’m an old fashioned dinosaur, who knows?”

His successor in the role, Colin Baker, hit back, saying: “They’ve had 50 years of having a role model. So sorry Peter, you’re talking rubbish there – absolute rubbish.”