
Sally Wood thanks doctors who treated husband Ronnie’s cancer

She praised the Rolling Stones guitarist’s ‘incredible strength’.
She praised the Rolling Stones guitarist’s ‘incredible strength’.

Sally Wood has said she “can’t thank the doctors enough” who treated her husband Ronnie’s cancer.

The actress told Hello! magazine the Rolling Stones guitarist has “incredible strength and determination”.

Wood, 73, revealed last month he has been given the all-clear after being diagnosed with small-cell cancer.

(Hello!/PA) (Trevor Leighton)

Sally, 43, said: “We tried to keep as positive as possible and put our trust in the doctors and followed their instructions and advice.

“We can’t thank the doctors enough for everything they did and all the support they gave us.”

She added: “You have to be as positive as you can and believe that everything will be OK.

“Ronnie’s an amazing person with incredible strength and determination.

“He read his meditation books and we focused on his treatment, his sobriety and resting as much as possible.

“You just have to keep going and not dwell on any negatives for too long.”

Sally and Ronnie married in 2012 and welcomed the birth of twin girls in 2016.

Read the full interview in Hello! magazine, out now.