
Lawnmower rider 'abusive to neighbour'

MAN who travels about on a lawnmower has subjected his elderly neighbour to drink-fuelled verbal abuse every week for the last eight years, a court has heard.

Prosecutors said Daniel Blaney "shouted and roared" threats at his cousin's 82-year-old wife as part of a long-running dispute at their homes on Ardmore Road in Lurgan, Co Armagh.

The 60-year-old accused, who is said to have mobility problems, was arrested after Kathleen Blaney filmed his latest alleged tirade on December 1 on her iPad.

A judge was told that he shouted: "I'm going to end you, Kathleen."

Police discovered him lying in a prone or "sniper" position in his front garden, the High Court heard.

It was claimed that after he saw officers he jumped back up and onto a disability frame.

Mr Blaney is charged with harassment and making threats to kill. Details emerged as he was granted a bail variation to move back to his home address facing the alleged victim's property.

According to prosecution counsel the animosity may stem from property being erected in a back garden.

She said Mrs Blaney says the accused has targeted her for verbal abuse after he starts drinking every Sunday for the past eight years.

He appears to have no problem with his 81-year-old cousin to whom she is married.

When confronted by police he allegedly refused to go with them at first, telling them to "go and f*** themselves" because they had no warrant.

He admitted in interview to having intentionally annoyed Mrs Blaney but claimed she had done the same to him and had previously thrown a bucket of water over him.

Mr Justice Weir heard that Mr Blaney wants to move back home because his house has been specially modified for his mobility problems.

He was also told that the accused does not drive but uses a ride-on lawnmower to travel distances of up to half a mile.

The judge said: "Gosh, I hope the blades aren't going around at the same time."

He granted the variation but banned the accused from drinking or making any attempt to speak to, shout at or otherwise annoy Mrs Blaney.