
Murphy: Stop RHI 'drip feed' and release names

Sinn Féin MLA Conor Murphy. Picture BY Cliff Donaldson
Sinn Féin MLA Conor Murphy. Picture BY Cliff Donaldson

Sinn Féin MLA Conor Murphy has criticised the “drip feed” of information on the identities of those involved in the Renewable Heating Incentive.

The Newry and Armagh Assemblyman added his voice to calls for the release of names of RHI recipients, following a legal challenge to stop the publishing of those who benefitted from the botched eco-boiler scheme that is set to cost the taxpayer £490million.

Mr Murphy warned Economy Minister Simon Hamilton that “huge public anger” remains over the DUP’s handling of the scheme and its aftermath, and his department’s plan to release the names of those involved in RHI that are not members of the Renewable Heat Association (RHA) – hastily formed formed last month as the fallout from the RHI scandal gathered pace and led to Sinn Féin’s withdrawal from the Executive.

Hundreds of RHA members have been granted leave to seek a judicial review of plans to release their names, but it is estimated up to 1,500 names are not subject to an injunction, and can legally be revealed.

“It is time for the DUP to come clean,” Mr Murphy said, adding of Minister Hamilton: “He also needs to state whether any of those involved in the scheme are connected to the DUP. The public is entitled to this information ahead of the Assembly election so they can make their choice.

“The choice is clear; people can opt for arrogance, corruption and contempt or they can choose equality, integrity and respect.”