
Anger over dumping at bonfire site beside reservoir

Claims investigators received ‘threats of violence’ revealed in letter to concerned residents

The site, owned by Northern Ireland Water, has seen the appearance of ‘UVF’ graffiti in recent weeks as well as junk piling up, which locals say is “spilling out on to the road”
The site, owned by Northern Ireland Water, has seen the appearance of ‘UVF’ graffiti in recent weeks as well as junk piling up, which locals say is “spilling out on to the road” PICTURE: NI WATER

Anger is growing over an illegal bonfire site at a Co Antrim beauty spot amid claims officials sent to investigate have been threatened.

A DUP councillor has branded the dumping ground at Stoneyford Reservoir “a total disgrace” as locals continue to call for the area to be cleared.

The site, owned by Northern Ireland Water, has seen the appearance of ‘UVF’ graffiti in recent weeks as well as junk piling up, which locals say is “spilling out on to the road”. However, local authorities and the PSNI have failed to stop fly-tipping at the site.

A concerned resident told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS): “At the moment it is a real danger, it is spilling out on to the road and could cause traffic accidents for anyone driving past. There is no support for this dump from anyone, but there is nothing being done by NI Water or the authorities and it is being allowed to continue year on year. It is getting worse.

“I have been in contact with NI Water and they have said their staff members have been threatened when they have gone to inspect the site. People in the village can’t understand why nothing is being done by NI Water, the council or the PSNI.

“The impact this is having on the village is terrible. If we were to allow our dogs to poo near the reservoir we’d probably be fined, but an illegal dump and bonfire gets nothing. This will be set alight on the 11th of July and God knows what will be released into the environment.”

NI Water has said it has “nothing to share” with the media on the alleged threats.

However, the LDRS has seen a NI Water letter to a resident, which outlines how in previous years “efforts to remove material and monitor activity was met with threats of violence against our staff, which makes it difficult for us to take any meaningful action”.

In a response to the LDRS, a NI Water spokesperson said: “NI Water continues to appeal to the public to cease using land at Stoneyford Reservoir for illegal dumping of waste materials.

“NI Water is aware of historic issues with fires being lit on or near the Stoneyford Reservoir site and although this will not impact on water quality or supply to customers, as the reservoir is not currently in service, it is home to a variety of wildlife who depend on the natural habitat for survival.”

The spokesperson added: “NI Water remains committed to seeking a resolution and continues to work with the community, local authorities and elected representatives to resolve the ongoing issues at this site.”

At Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council, there has been cross-party condemnation from elected reps who have spoken to LDRS about the Stoneyford bonfire site.

DUP councillor James Tinsley said: “What is happening now is a total disgrace at this site. I agree with the residents. These are the actions of a bully. I see bonfires around the country that are looked after and tidied up, really well kept areas and I support them.

He added: “I would say to those behind this to wise up, grow up and if you want to respect your culture and traditions this is not the way to do it. Have you no love for the community you live in?”

Sinn Féin’s Gary McCleave said: “Those responsible need to get off the backs of the local community. This is an illegal bonfire on NI Water land and it is against the wishes of the whole community. NI Water has a responsibility as the landowners to secure and clear the site.”

A PSNI spokesperson said: “Lisburn Neighbourhood Policing Team are aware of issues around fly-tipping and graffiti in the Stoneyford Reservoir area, and continue to engage with NI Water, other partner agencies and local residents to find a solution.”

Following the meeting, a council spokesperson said the local authority was “engaging directly with NI Water as the landowner, Northern Ireland Environment Agency as the regulator, and other statutory partners around the continuing accumulation of material at this location.”