
North’s top planning barrister publishes new book on judicial review

‘Planning Judicial Review in Northern Ireland’ has been co-authored with Judge Fionnuala Anne Connolly

William Orbinson KC’s new book explores recent developments in judicial review cases in Northern Ireland’s courts.
William Orbinson KC’s new book explores recent developments in judicial review cases in Northern Ireland’s courts.

One of the north’s foremost legal experts on planning law has published a new book on judicial review challenges.

William Orbinson KC has been involved in some of most high profile planning cases in recent years, including cases related to the Arc21 incinerator, north-south interconnector and Lough Neagh sand extraction.

His latest book, ‘Planning Judicial Review in Northern Ireland’ has been co-authored with Judge Fionnuala Anne Connolly, a former Belfast judicial review barrister recently appointed as a Judge of the Royal Court in Guernsey.

The new text has been described as a useful guide for judicial review practitioners in all fields; but, particularly to those involved in actual or anticipated judicial review challenges relating to planning decisions.

The new book was recently launched in Belfast by the Lady Chief Justice, Dame Siobhan Keegan.

“The late Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore, formerly of the Supreme Court and our Lord Chief Justice, used to gently tease me about generating ‘slim volumes’ on planning, though their slimness never dissuaded him from encouraging my publishing efforts or lending his name to them in forewords,” said Mr Orbinson.

“My 2009 publication ‘Planning and Judicial Review’ was an attempt to beef things up a bit in response, but in retrospect looks a little svelte compared to this book.

“That is not just a reflection of his encouragement, but of how the field of planning judicial review has burgeoned in Northern Ireland over the intervening years, both in complexity and in numbers.”