125 cases of the Delta plus variant of Covid-19 have been detected in Northern Ireland, the Public Health Agency (PHA) has confirmed.
Delta plus is a mutation of the existing Delta variant and has been found in at least 42 countries globally, including the Republic of Ireland and Britain.
Dr Brid Farrell, Deputy Director of Public Health at the PHA, said "so far it does not appear this variant causes more severe disease or renders the vaccines currently deployed any less effective".
“Identification of a case or cases of this variant in Northern Ireland was inevitable at some point, particularly as society has opened up in recent months and most restrictions have been lifted. Our genome sequencing capabilities are also ahead of those of most other countries so it is not surprising that the UK has identified cases," she added.
Dr Farrell said the development highlighted the need for "continued vigilance and adherence to the public health guidance".
"We ask that the public remain vigilant, continue to exercise caution. Wear a mask and maintain appropriate distance wen required, when meeting people indoors, open windows and doors to ventilate the room."
The PHA's deputy director of public health also stressed the importance of receiving a Covid-19 vaccination.
“Vaccine uptake is also an important means of securing protection against COVID-19 infection. The coming weeks will be very busy, with a significant escalation of the booster programme, along with the school-based programme and the ongoing provision of first and second doses. We would appeal to everyone to get vaccinated if you are eligible. The significant benefits of vaccination are clear. It protects you and those close to you."
Confrmation of the presence of the new strain in Northern Ireland comes as Health Minister Robin Swann warned that coronavirus restrictions may be necessary if pressures on Northern Ireland’s health service continue to mount.