
Irish bishops call for courageous world leadership to stop war in Gaza

They reiterated the words of Pope Francis in their message

The celebration of Mass taking place in the Holy Family Church, Gaza, in 2016 (Catholic Communications Office archive).
The celebration of Mass taking place in the Holy Family Church, Gaza, in 2016 (Catholic Communications Office archive).

IRISH bishops have asked for prayers for all the people affected by the Israel/Hamas war as it called for world leaders to be ‘courageous’ in helping end the conflict.

They reiterated the words of Pope Francis saying that the war is a “catastrophe for humanity”.

In a statement the bishops said: “We renew our call for an immediate cessation to the Israel/Hamas war in Gaza.

“As well as the innocent population affected by this conflict, we are asking people of faith to pray for the safety of staff of humanitarian agencies who, in their life-saving work, must be allowed unhindered access to deliver vital aid into Gaza to prevent further deaths by starvation and malnutrition.”

They said that data from Trócaire laid bare the level of the catastrophe with more than 37,000 people killed to date; including more than 15,000 children.

More than 83,000 people have been injured; more than 10,000 civilians trapped under rubble and with recovery operations hindered by resource shortages that can take up to six years with the current tools, data has found.

Trócaire continues to provide support to sister agency Caritas Jerusalem, Medical Aid for Palestinians, through local Palestinian partners based in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Women’s Affairs Centre, and the Gaza Community Mental Health programme.

Bishops concluded, “This war is an attack on all of humanity. When people are deprived of basic human dignity and of necessary humanitarian aid, we are all made poorer.”

“Efforts by the United Nations to address the humanitarian crisis are welcome.”

“But, the people of the Holy Land – and around the globe – need clear and courageous leadership from world leaders.”

“Who is prepared to put the plight of people and the dignity of every human person as the overriding priority in bringing this outrage to an end?”

“In the words of Pope Francis during his Angelus address on 2 June, ‘it takes courage to make peace, far more courage than to wage war.’”

“Let us pray that leaders will show courage now at this vital moment.”