
Judge refuses application to vary bail conditions for woman facing dissident charges

Amanda McCabe, also known as Mandy Duffy
Amanda McCabe, also known as Mandy Duffy

A senior judge has refused an application to vary bail conditions imposed on a Co Armagh grandmother facing dissident charges.

An application to vary Amanda Duffy's conditions to allow her to spend the Christmas period in the marital home was heard, and refused, by Mr Justice Fowler at Belfast Crown Court.

Duffy is one of 10 defendants facing trial following a covert surveillance operation conducted by the PSNI and MI5.

The investigation centred on two meetings allegedly held by the New IRA in February and July 2020 which were bugged as part of 'Operation Arbacia.'

Duffy (53) from Ailsbury Gardens in Lurgan has been charged with a number of offences including directing a terrorist organisation, possessing articles for use in terrorism and belonging to a proscribed organisation.

After spending over three years in custody, she was granted full bail in October when a number of conditions  - such as residing at a suitable bail address and observing a curfew - were imposed.

Defence barrister Joseph O'Keefe sought an application to vary his client's address and asked for the "residence condition" regarding the bail address to be "suspended" between December 23 and New Year's Day.

Asking that Duffy be allowed to stay in her marital home as opposed to her bail address over that period, her barrister said this was so she could be with her husband, children and grandchildren at Christmas.

Mr O'Keefe said: "It's a short variation - it's a week approximately - it's in quite close proximity to where her bail address is and there are very strict conditions on this applicant as it is."

When Mr Justice Fowler asked what the Crown's view was, he was told by a prosecutor that any variation regarding the address was opposed.

Saying Duffy "can attend her family home between the hours of 7am and 10pm every day", the Crown barrister said the current conditions were deemed necessary when bail was granted in October.

After listening to submissions from both the Crown and defence, the judge said the conditions imposed upon Duffy were “in my view, proportionate and necessary and I refuse this application”.