Northern Ireland

Airport Bid to Kidnap John Hume – On This Day in 1974

Future SDLP leader approached by two men claiming to represent ‘Her Majesty’s Forces’

John Hume argued: "If one wishes to create a united Ireland by constitutional means, then one must accept the constitutional position"
An attempt was made to kidnap the SDLP's John Hume
August 24 1974

A full investigation is being carried out into an incident at Belfast airport when two men carrying apparently genuine British military intelligence identity cards but wearing a number of “Ulster” emblems, including UVF badges, attempted to abduct Mr John Hume, the former Assembly Minister of Commerce, as he waited for a flight to London.

Although the incident took place almost a week ago, Mr Hume and SDLP colleagues Paddy Devlin, former Minister of Health and Social Security, and Mr Seamus Mallon, who were accompanying him to a meeting with Mr Merlyn Rees, the Secretary of State, have not yet been informed of the outcome of the police inquiries to date.

Mr Devlin had noticed the two men, who were casually dressed, following him to and from the airport bookstall and alerted a detective on security duty at the airport. The policeman replied that he had already noticed the men and was keeping an eye on them.

Then, as Mr Devlin joined his two colleagues, came the dramatic moment when the kidnap attempt was made on Mr Hume.

Mr Devlin said that he had booked on Saturday, two days before the flight, so that it was easy for anyone interested to know the time of their departure on Monday.

Leading SDLP figures pictured at a press conference in 1972. Seated are (l-r) Austin Currie, Gerry Fitt, John Hume, Ivan Cooper and Paddy O'Hanlon, with Eddie McGrady (left) and Paddy Devlin standing behind
Leading SDLP figures pictured at a press conference in 1972. Seated are (l-r) Austin Currie, Gerry Fitt, John Hume, Ivan Cooper and Paddy O'Hanlon, with Eddie McGrady (left) and Paddy Devlin standing behind (PA/PA)

Mr Hume said: “I was sitting with the other two in the lounge waiting for the flight being called when two men came up beside me. They flashed identity cards and said: ‘We are members of Her Majesty’s Forces and we would like to question you about the person who was sitting previously in the seat in which you are now sitting.’ The men made to grab me.

“I was surprised and I suppose on the spur of the moment disconcerted. Two RUC men in plain clothes security at the airport saw the incident and one of them dashed over, took hold of one of the men and told them: ‘I am a police officer. Who are you?’

“The policeman’s words seemed to shake both men. They looked startled and mumbled something about not knowing they were police. They were asked for their identity cards but as they produced them they ran off.”

Mr Devlin carries a licensed revolver and although the RUC man acted promptly when one of them grabbed by the arm the man who had taken hold of John Hume, the former Health Minister would have been in a position to defend them.

The attempt to seize John Hume was one of a number of attempts to kidnap or inflict other harm to Mr Hume and his family throughout much of the Troubles.

They looked startled and mumbled something about not knowing they were police. They were asked for their identity cards but as they produced them they ran off