Northern Ireland

Annadale bonfire lit day after Belfast councillors’ ‘secret’ meeting to have pyre removed

“It’s disappointing that the details of confidential committee meetings were leaked” - SDLP councillor Séamus De Faoite

The ashes left after a bonfire was set alight in the Annadale Embankment area of Belfast.
The ashes left after a bonfire was set alight in the Annadale Embankment area of Belfast.

A bonfire in south Belfast was lit on Tuesday after a vote was taken in secret at Belfast City Council to remove it.

Elected members of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee this week took a decision during restricted business to remove the bonfire from the Annadale area.

Contractors were expected to remove the pyre on Wednesday ahead of the annual Twelfth celebrations, but it’s understood the bonfire was lit on Tuesday before they moved in.

A bonfire had traditionally been constructed in the green space next to the Annadale embankment, but had not been built since before the Covid 19 pandemic.

Peaceplus funding of up to £250,000 has been earmarked towards developing the area around the bonfire site into new playpark and playing field facilities.

It’s understood councillors from Sinn Féin, the SDLP and the Green Party voted to have the bonfire removed over concerns relating to the granting of funding for the facilities, with the DUP voting against during two meetings discussing the issue.

A statement from Belfast City Council said councillors acted ‘in the public interest’ to take a decision to remove the pyre.

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“Belfast City Council’s approach to managing bonfires is led by elected members,” a council spokesperson said.

“Members of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee decided to act in the public interest and agreed that action would be taken to remove materials at the Annadale site.”

DUP MLA Edwin Poots said it was ‘deeply regrettable’ that councillors had voted to remove the bonfire.

“Bonfires are a part of the Twelfth of July celebrations and their historical importance in the context of the Williamite landing is rightly remembered,” he said.

“It is therefore deeply regrettable that Belfast City Council is intent on removing a children’s bonfire in Annadale. Our children must be taught their history, must be encouraged to embrace their identity, and to celebrate their culture. This bonfire was causing no harm and no offence to anyone.”

SDLP councillor for Lisnasharragh, Séamas de Faoite, said it was ‘disappointing’ that details of the restricted council business relating to the bonfire had been leaked.

He said: “The SDLP has been very supportive of the broader community plans for Annadale embankment and the enhancement of green space for the benefit of everyone in the area.

“It’s disappointing that the details of confidential committee meetings were leaked, resulting in a fire last night. We will be asking Belfast City Council officers to investigate this leak.”