Northern Ireland

Call for Citizens’ assembly ahead of border poll at Sinn Féin Easter commemoration event

Parade to Milltown Cemetery was held on Sunday in west Belfast

Conor Murphy walking in Sunday's National Graves Association parade to Milltown Cemetery. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
Conor Murphy walking in Sunday's National Graves Association parade to Milltown Cemetery. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

A citizens’ assembly on Irish unity should be established now by the Dublin government ahead of a border poll, Sinn Féin has insisted at its Easter commemoration at Milltown Cemetery.

Sinn Féin members took part in the Belfast National Graves Association’s annual commemoration walk in west Belfast on Sunday afternoon, to mark the 108th anniversary of the Easter Rising in Dublin, and to remember “all those who have struggled for Irish freedom”.

Former Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams and former west Belfast councillor Tom Hartley pictured in Sunday's parade. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
Former Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams and former west Belfast councillor Tom Hartley pictured in Sunday's parade. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

Hundreds lined the parade route from the Beechmount area to Milltown Cemetery, where MLA and Stormont finance minister Conor Murphy addressed crowds, claiming “seismic change is happening across the entire island”.

Mr Murphy praised Sinn Féin First Minister Michelle O’Neill, and said the revived Stormont Executive “faces significant challenges, not least our ties to Britain’s failing economy and to the Tory’s reckless cuts agenda”.

“Until we control our own economic destiny, we are determined to work together with all parties to deliver for all the people of the north,” he said, adding that his party is ready to “lead a government of change” in the Republic following the next general election.

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Sunday's main west Belfast Easter commemoration parade was organised by the Belfast National Graves Association. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
Sunday's main west Belfast Easter commemoration parade was organised by the Belfast National Graves Association. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

Mr Murphy claimed a referendum on Irish unity “can take place before the end of this decade, and the time to prepare is now”.

“The Irish government should immediately establish a citizens’ assembly to plan for Irish unity; one where everyone is welcome, everyone is included, and one where people can openly share their ideas, their hopes, and their ambitions,” he said.

He added: “This Easter, as we remember all those who have struggled for Irish freedom, we recommit ourselves to achieving a sovereign, independent, all-Ireland republic based on equality and social justice.

Participants in costume with replica weapons taking part in Sunday's west Belfast parade to commemorate the 108th anniversary of the Easter Rising. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
Participants in costume with replica weapons taking part in Sunday's west Belfast parade to commemorate the 108th anniversary of the Easter Rising. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

“A stronger and fairer Ireland. An Ireland that delivers for all.”

Meanwhile, the Newry and Armagh MLA also said his party stands “unequivocally” with the people of Gaza following Israel’s invasion of the Palestinian territory.

“Whether at home or abroad, we will use every political and diplomatic opportunity to raise the plight of the Palestinian people and to call for an immediate ceasefire,” he said.