Northern Ireland

Charlie Bird helped raise €2 million for hospices throughout Ireland last year

Charlie Bird with his wife Claire and dog Tiger as he launched an appeal for businesses and the public to get involved in Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning Social for Hospice (Bryan Brophy/1IMAGE Photography/PA)
Charlie Bird with his wife Claire and dog Tiger as he supported the Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning Social for Hospice campaign last year. PICTURE: BRYAN BROPHY/1IMAGE PHOTOGRAPJY/PA

Late broadcaster Charlie Bird helped raise more than €2 million for hospices throughout Ireland last year.

The help he provided has been praised by the Together for Hospice, the National Hospice Movement, which said he would be “remembered forever for his wonderful support of many Irish charities”.

As a special service got underway in Dublin’s Mansion House to remember the legendary journalist, the organisation recalled his “tremendous” gesture supporting Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning Social for Hospice last August.

“Charlie will be remembered forever for his wonderful support of many Irish charities,” said Together for Hospice chairperson, Sarah McCloskey.

“We were honoured when he offered the hand of friendship to Together for Hospice last year in a bid to support our message about the importance of specialist palliative care.

Charlie Bird has shared an update on his health. Picture by Mal McCann
Charlie Bird died earlier this week. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

“He made a huge impact on hospices nationwide and their fundraising efforts during the campaign and it will never be forgotten by all the members of Together for Hospice.

“We are truly saddened by his death.

“His wife Claire, daughters, grandchildren and all their families and friends are in our thoughts at this difficult time.”