Ash Wednesday married with Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, a combination embraced by the Auxiliary Bishop of Armagh Michael Router at a service in St Mary’s Church, one of the oldest in Belfast.
As thousands received the ashes at services across the north, Bishop Router linked the crossing of the first day of Lent with St Valentine and the launch of a new marriage preparation course, Marriage is a Journey, not a destination.
February 14 “is normally associated with St. Valentine but this year as you know it coincides with Ash Wednesday in the Church’s calendar, a day of fast and abstinence to begin the season of Lent,” Bishop Router said.
“Some.... with a more cynical viewpoint, might think it is very appropriate to dwell on marriage along with sack cloth and ashes on the same day, but we won’t go into that,” said Bishop Router.
Bishop Router added of the new course: “It incorporates the most up-to-date psychological understanding of what makes relationships happy and fulfilling.”