Northern Ireland

Councillor urges public not to ignore sheep found lying on their back

A cast sheep can die very quickly. Picture by Michael McClafferty.
A cast sheep can die very quickly. Picture by Michael McClafferty.

A Donegal politician has issued an unusual appeal to hill walkers and other people visiting the countryside to be on the look-out for sheep which have rolled over onto their backs.

Independent county councillor, Michael McClafferty from Falcarragh called on walkers not to ignore sheep on their backs (referred to as a cast sheep) as it could die quite quickly.

If left on their backs, sheep can die from suffocation and are also more open to attack from crows and other animals. Pregnant sheep are more vulnerable to rolling onto their backs. The problem is made worse in winter months as sheep tend to have a thicker fleece which is made even heavier by rain and wet weather.

Councillor McClafferty said: “If you happen to come across a sheep lying on its back with its legs up, it is cast. Please be so kind as to tip/roll them back over – if left like this they can die as they cannot get up.”

The Donegal councillor also told Highland Radio that cast sheep presented a financial problem for farmers as many of the sheep were pregnant and if not helped, both the sheep and its lamb could be lost.

“Farmers cannot afford to lose any livestock,” Mr McClafferty said.