Northern Ireland

Creeslough church bell to toll in memory of explosion victims on second anniversary

Ten lives lost in suspected gas explosion

The victims of the Creeslough disaster were, top, from left: Shauna Flanagan Garwe, Robert Garwe, Leona Harper, Hugh Kelly, Jessica Gallagher. Bottom , from left: Martin McGill, James O'Flaherty, Martina Martin, Catherine O'Donnell, James Monaghan.
The victims of the Creeslough disaster were, top, from left: Shauna Flanagan Garwe, Robert Garwe, Leona Harper, Hugh Kelly, Jessica Gallagher. Bottom , from left: Martin McGill, James O'Flaherty, Martina Martin, Catherine O'Donnell, James Monaghan.

The church bell at St Michael’s in Creeslough is to be rung at 3.17pm next Monday to mark the exact anniversary of a suspected gas explosion which claimed ten lives in the Donegal village two years ago.

Three children were among those killed when an explosion caused an Applegreen retail and apartment complex to collapse on October 7 2022. The complex was busy with mid-afternoon shoppers when the disaster occurred.

Relatives and friends of the victims have been invited to attend a special Mass in their memory at St Michael’s Church on Saturday evening.

Creeslough parish priest, Fr John Joe Duffy, said the exact moment the explosion ripped through the complex will be marked when the bells of St Michael’s will be rung at 3.17pm on Monday.

Fr Duffy said: “The bell of St Michael’s Church will ring in solemn memory of Shauna, James, Leona, Jessica, Catherine, James, Martina, Martin, Robert and Hughie at 3.17pm on Monday 7th October, the very time of the tragedy that has impacted on so many.

“St Michael’s Church invites everyone to join with us in remembering and praying for those that are bereaved and impacted by this tragedy. Your unity with us can be done from your own homes ... by joining with us in silent prayer for those who tragically died, for their loved ones, for their families and for their friends and our wider communities.”

He also urged people to pray for all those who were injured but survived the explosion.

Seven of the families of the ten victims have called for a public inquiry into the tragedy. In a statement issued last week through their Belfast solicitors, Phoenix Law, the families confirmed they have written the Republic’s Justice Minister, Helen McEntee, asking for an independent investigation to be established.

In the letter to Ms McEntee, solicitor, Darragh Mackin said the families had suffered unimaginable pain and suffering.

“Their families remain unable to grieve for their loss until such times as they know the truth of what occurred, the failings are acknowledged and specific lessons are learned so that an incident like this never happens again,” Mr Mackin said.

He added that while the Gardaí were conducting an investigation, they were unable to produce a public report into the incident.

Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris has confirmed that a file on the investigation into the Creeslough disaster was close to completion.

Four arrests linked to the investigation have been made in the last six months. In March, two men aged in their 50s were arrested and later released without charge. In May, a man and a woman were arrested and later released.