Northern Ireland

Derry’s long-awaited Factory Girls sculpture nearing installation

Chris Wilson’s artwork is a celebration of local shirt factory workers and the important role they played in the city and district’s cultural, heritage and economic history.

Former Communities Minister Gordon Lyons is pictured with (L-R) former Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Cllr Patricia Logue, Factory Girls representative Mary White and artist Chris Wilson, with the design of the Factory Girls' artwork.
Former Communities Minister Gordon Lyons pictured with (L-R) former mayor Patricia Logue, Factory Girls representative Mary White and artist Chris Wilson, with the design of the Factory Girls artwork

Preparation work for the installation of Derry’s long-awaited Factory Girls artwork, designed by artist Chris Wilson, is getting underway.

The sculpture will be the pinnacle of transformative public realm works, encompassing Harbour Square, Custom House Street, Guildhall Street, Whittaker Street, and Foyle Embankment, scheduled for completion in winter.

The Factory Girls artwork is a celebration of local shirt factory workers and the important role they played in the city and district’s cultural, heritage and economic history.

It consists of three bell shaped forms with night-time illumination. The design is based on the shapes of spools of thread as used in the shirt factory.

Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council Lilian Seenoi-Barr said she was looking forward to the new artwork.

She added: “These public realm works will set the way for our wider vision for the regeneration Central Riverfront planned as part of the City Deal.

“The creation of public realm featuring the Factory Girls artwork will beautifully link the historical core of the city to the riverfront area.”