Northern Ireland

DUP accused of delaying Executive sign off for Lough Neagh action plan

SDLP MLA Patsy McGlone says DUP ‘halting the progress of the action plan’

Algae on the surface of Lough Neagh at Ballyronan Marina
Algae on the surface of Lough Neagh at Ballyronan Marina (Liam McBurney/PA)

There have been calls for clarity over why an action plan to combat ongoing problems at Lough Neagh has yet to be signed off by the Stormont Executive.

The emergence of blue-green algae on Lough Neagh and issues of water pollution have led calls for action to be taken to address the environmental problems of the largest freshwater lake in the UK and Ireland.

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Andrew Muir brought a departmental report with a number of recommendations to the Executive last Thursday, but it was not signed off after he was given feedback that ‘further engagement’ was needed with ‘stakeholders’.

Mr Muir told members of the Assembly this week that the First and Deputy First Minister, Michelle O’Neill and Emma Little-Pengelly had to sign off on the plan.

It is believed a planned meeting of the executive to discuss the report and its recommendations was cancelled on Thursday.

It is undestood the DUP has concerns about new regulations for fertiliser, one of the major pollutants in Lough Neagh.

SDLP MLA Patsy McGlone has accused the DUP of holding up the progress of the action plan.

“Last year we saw the damage that was done, the pollution, the smell and the concerns were raised by the local community around Lough Neagh,” McGlone said.

“We were assured that it would be a priority for the Executive since it was restored earlier this year.

“But now we see the DUP won’t allow it to be brought to the Executive agenda at all and questions must be raised as to why that is with an election around the corner.”

The owner of the bed and banks of Lough Neagh, the Earl of Shaftesbury, said earlier this week he was open to the idea of bringing the lough into community ownership, a move welcomed by the DAERA minister.

Sinn Féin Environment spokesperson Nicola Brogan called for the Action Plan on Lough Neagh to be published as a matter of urgency.

“We’ve seen the aerial footage of blue-green algae returning across the lough and while the return of algae blooms were likely again this summer it remains an ominous reminder of what local communities and fishermen faced last year,” the West Tyrone MLA said.

“I appreciate that the department has been working on an action plan but it has been a year since the outbreak last summer and those plans need to rapidly become actions.

“The Minister’s Action Plan needs to be agreed by the Executive and published as a matter of urgency so that we can begin taking the necessary steps to save Lough Neagh.”

Mr Muir told the Assembly on Tuesday: “I brought the Lough Neagh report and action plan to the most recent meeting of the Executive, and it was discussed at that meeting. I was given some feedback, which included the need for further engagement with stakeholders.

“I did that: last Wednesday, I met Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL), the Lough Neagh Partnership, the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) and the Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers Association (NIAPA). I engaged with those organisations and received feedback.

Agriculture Minister Andrew Muir pictured with First Minister Michelle O'Neill (left) and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly at the edge of Lough Neagh
Agriculture Minister Andrew Muir pictured with First Minister Michelle O'Neill (left) and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly at the edge of Lough Neagh for a meeting about issues facing the lough, which has been beset by blue-green algae. Picture: Rebecca Black/PA Wire (Rebecca Black/Rebecca Black/PA Wire)

“I will update the report and issue it to Executive colleagues, hopefully today. Hopefully, we can then get it agreed at the meeting on Thursday, because it is really important that we take action.”

Both the DUP and the Executive Office were contacted were a response.