Northern Ireland

DUP-run Stormont department takes lead in rebuilding Casement Park

Revelation comes as GAA begins ‘maintenance and pre-enabling works’

Casement Park in Belfast , Ulster GAA ha announced that it will commence necessary maintenance and pre-enabling works ahead of the Development works for the new Casement park.
Casement Park in Belfast PICTURE COLM LENAGHAN

A DUP-run Stormont department is taking the lead in redeveloping Casement Park rather than the GAA.

The confirmation came as the association said it is set to start “necessary maintenance and pre-enabling works for the development” at the west Belfast site.

In a statement the GAA confirmed for the first time it is not taking a lead role in rebuilding its iconic sporting grounds.

Named after republican Roger Casement, who was executed by the British for his part in the run up to the 1916 Easter Rising, the landmark ground has lain derelict for more than a decade as a result of a legal battle with local residents opposed to the size of the redevelopment and cash wrangles.

Control of the project now sits with the Department for Communities (DfC), which is headed by DUP minister Gordon Lyons.

Under its programme for government, agreed by the executive, DfC has responsibility for the completed multi-million pound redevelopment of rugby’s Ravenhill Stadium and soccer’s Windsor Park, both located in Belfast.

But the contracting authority for both projects were the game’s governing bodies - the IRFU’s Ulster branch and the Irish Football Association.

It has now emerged that unlike Ravenhill Stadium and Windsor Park, the contracting authority for Casement is the Stormont department.

Artists impression of the redeveloped Casement Park
Artists impression of the redeveloped Casement Park

In a statement the GAA confirmed: “The Department for Communities (DfC) is leading the procurement of the main construction contract for the project through UK Government frameworks for major strategic infrastructure projects.”

Earlier this week DfC told the Irish News it is “the contracting authority for the main construction contract as the major grant funder”.

“The department is leading on work to progress procurement arrangements for the main construction works,” a spokeswoman added.

The proposed 34,500 capacity Casement Park stadium is included in the joint Ireland/Britain bid to host the Euro 2028 tournament.

It is understood construction work must begin by May if it is to be ready in time.

It was recently reported that Uefa has already drawn up contingency plans over concerns that Casement Park will not be completed.

Initially budgeted at £77 million, it is now estimated the delayed building project could cost around £160m to complete, with the GAA set to pick up just £15m of the total.

Earlier this year, Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris said that the cash will be found to build the stadium.

In an interview this week Mr Lyons said funding remains a “big difficulty”.

Casement Park in Belfast , Ulster GAA ha announced that it will commence necessary maintenance and pre-enabling works ahead of the Development works for the new Casement park.
A derelict Casement Park PICTURE COLM LENAGHAN

Although the GAA originally took a lead role in driving forward the Casement Park project, responsibility has now shifted towards Stormont departments.

The Strategic Investment Board (SIB) recently launched a recruitment drive after it emerged that DfC chiefs have yet to establish a definitive list of contractors for the stalled project.

A non-departmental public body, the SIB is accountable to the First and deputy First Minister through The Executive Office (TEO).

In 2013 the GAA’s Ulster council revealed that Co Derry based construction firm Heron Brothers and English company Buckingham Group were appointed to redevelop the landmark west Belfast GAA ground.

The project received a setback last August when Buckingham Group gave notice of its intention to appoint administrators.

It later went into administration owing more than £108m.

In a statement on Thursday the GAA said work around Casement Park will begin next week and that residents and businesses have been contacted.

“Activity commencing next week, which will continue throughout March, will be focused on initial ground works and this will be followed by site clearance from April to June, including the removal of the old terracing,” the GAA said.

Tom Daly, Ulster GAA Stadium Board Chairman said: “It has been a long and frustrating journey to get to this point, however this is an important step forward as we prepare for the delivery phase of the project.”

In letter to residents the GAA’s Casement Park Project Board said that a “community officer who will be the direct contact for the local community”.

“We will write to you in advance on project milestones so that you are aware of all activity,” the letter said.

Sinn Féin MP for West Belfast Paul Maskey described the development as “fantastic news”.

SDLP assembly member Daniel McCrossan said the announcement is an “important step”.