Northern Ireland

Funeral of Derry orthodontist Noel O’Sullivan whose remains were found partially in a freezer to take place on Saturday

Son charged with attempting to prevent the lawful burial of his father

The late Dr Noel O'Sullivan, whose funeral is taking place on Saturday.
The late Dr Noel O'Sullivan, whose funeral is taking place on Saturday.

The funeral of retired Derry orthodontist, Noel O’Sullivan (86), whose son has been charged with attempting to prevent his burial is to take place on Saturday.

Dr O’Sullivan was found dead at his Culmore Road home on July 17.

His Requiem Mass will take place at the nearby St Patricks Church, Pennyburn, at 12 noon.

His death notice said Dr O’Sullivan died “unexpectedly at home” on July 17. He was described as the beloved husband of Ann and father of Noelle, Anne, Moire, and Garrett.

Dr O’Sullivan’s remains had been lying in his home for several days before they were discovered by PSNI officers last week.

His son, John Garrett O’Sullivan (55) appeared before Derry Magistrates’ Court earlier this week, charged with attempting to prevent the lawful burial of his father.

The court heard the pensioner’s remains were found in the living room of his home, wrapped in plastic sheeting and a duvet.

His head had been placed inside an open fridge freezer while the rest of his body lay on the floor beside the open door of another freezer.

Outlining the circumstances of the case, a detective constable told the court officers had received a report from one of Noel O’Sullivan’s daughters on Wednesday, July 17, expressing concern she was unable to contact her father or gain entry to the house.

On arrival, police forced entry.

Police at the scene of the death of an elderly man in the Culmore Road area of Derry. PICTURE: MARGARET MCLAUGHLIN

“On entering the property, officers have reported that there was an odour of human remains,” the officer told the judge.

Derry no2-22/7/2024- Trevor McBride picture©
55 year old Garret  O'Sullivan pictured at court in Derry on charges relating to preventing of lawful burial of his father-
found at the family home at Culmore Road in Derry.
mandantory picture credit Trevor McBride
Garret O'Sullivan pictured at court in Derry on charges relating to preventing of lawful burial of his father. PICTURE TREVOR MCBRIDE (Trevor McBride)

“The body of Mr Noel O’Sullivan appeared to be lying for some time. It was wrapped in clear tarpaulin plastic. There was an adult nappy on his head and hands.

“He was also wrapped in dry night bedding with a wet wipe type cloth inserted into his mouth.”

Garret O’Sullivan was arrested later that day when he was found walking along Culmore Road toward the house.