Northern Ireland

Health workers join Altnagelvin anti-racism rally

The migrant workers solidarity rally at Altnagelvin hospital was organised by health sector trade unions.
The migrant workers solidarity rally at Altnagelvin hospital was organised by health sector trade unions.

Health workers in Derry have taken part in an anti-racism rally outside the city’s Altnagelvin hospital.

The lunch-time solidarity rally on Friday was organised by the main trade unions active in the health centre.

Derry’s United Against Racism spokesman, Davy McAuley said it was heartening to see so many people standing together to oppose racist attacks by a small minority.

“Our health service would fall apart without the people who come here from all over the globe to work in it. Every one of us is indebted to the knowledge, service and skills of migrant workers with the NHS,” Mr McAuley said.

“Anyone who lives here, belongs here.”

Derry People before Profit councillor, Shaun Harkin said he was proud to stand in solidarity with migrant workers across the health service and communities.

The rally comes after plans for an anti-immigrant protest in Derry were cancelled. Organisers of the planned protest which was to take place at Dale’s Corner in Derry’s Waterside on Friday called off the protest following united political opposition to it.