Northern Ireland

Joe Kennedy forced to pull out of Derry event due to pro-Palestinian protest

Magee Taskforce meeting was taking place at Ulster University

Palestinian solidarity campaigners outside the door of a meeting at Ulster University Magee on Wednesday after US Special Envoy to Northern-Ireland Joe Kennedy failed to attend as planned due to the protest. Picture Margaret McLaughlin 5-6-2024
Palestinian solidarity campaigners outside the door of a meeting at Ulster University Magee PICTURE: MARGARET MCLAUGHLIN

US Special Envoy for Northern Ireland Joe Kennedy III pulled out of a meeting in Derry at the last minute on Wednesday due to a pro-Palestine picket.

Mr Kennedy had been in the city at the invitation of the Magee Taskforce, responsible for developing and overseeing an action plan to expand the Ulster University campus in the city.

The Irish News understands Mr Kennedy chose not to visit as planned after learning about the protest.

The protest had been organised by the Derry branch of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, Donegal.

Mr Kennedy instead later met UU staff directly to discuss the campus expansion plans.

Palestinian solidarity campaigners outside the door of a meeting at Ulster University Magee on Wednesday after US Special Envoy to Northern-Ireland Joe Kennedy failed to attend as planned due to the protest. Picture Margaret McLaughlin 5-6-2024
The meeting underway at Magee on Wednesday after US Special Envoy Joe Kennedy did not appear as planned PICTURE: MARGARET MCLAUGHLIN

Derry City and Strabane District councillor Shaun Harkin from People Before Profit said the invitation to Mr Kennedy was “completely unacceptable”.

He said protestors were approached by a US State Department official who told them Mr Kennedy would be “happy to meet them and hear their concerns”. This offer was declined.

“Kennedy should not be welcomed to Derry. It’s unacceptable for the Magee Taskforce to meet with Biden’s representative to discuss the future of university provision in Derry when they are murdering thousands of teachers and students in Gaza, destroying Palestinian education provision and bludgeoning US students for opposing US complicity with slaughter,” he said.

“US students have been attacked and imprisoned by Biden’s police. They have been denounced by the US political establishment, suspended and expelled by University authorities but their resolve couldn’t be broken. The students are setting an example to the world.”

In a post to the X platform after later meeting UU staff, Mr Kennedy that a “joined vision and even greater international links will generate jobs & opportunity for the north west”.

A US Department of State spokesperson told The Irish News: “The special envoy had a constructive meeting in Derry with Ulster University staff. Discussions focussed around the expansion of the campus and the genuine economic benefit this will bring to all communities in the City and wider region.”