Northern Ireland

John Hume pictures given the Andy Warhol treatment

New posters are personal tribute to former SDLP leader.

The new portraits are influenced by US pop artist, Andy Warhol.
The new portraits are influenced by US pop artist, Andy Warhol.

A series of pictures of the late John Hume have been given the Andy Warhol treatment by one of Ireland’s foremost graphic artists.

Paul Martin has drawn on the legendary US pop artist to create eight posters in a personal tribute to the Nobel Peace laureate.

Originally from Derry, Mr Martin has produced graphic artwork and branding for some of Ireland’s largest organisations including the Garda, Fianna Fáil, various third level institutions and many Irish government departments.

Inspired by the Warhol’s work, he used photographs the late Mr Hume along with some of his best known quotations to create the posters.

Two of the colourful posters have been produced in collaboration with the Willie Carson Collection, the archive of late Irish News photographer, Willie Carson.

Mr Martin said he was always a huge admirer of the late SDLP leader and decided on the posters as a way of showing his appreciation. The portraits are being sold through the John and Pat Hume foundation ( as a fund-raiser for the organisation.

“I had been thinking about this for a long time and had always wanted to give something back as it were for all that John Hume did for us; during the Troubles, he was a lone voice talking a lot of sense.

“I wanted to find a way of ensuring his philosophy of peace would continue and by doing this I hope his quotations will now find a place in homes and businesses,” Mr Martin said.

Two of the posters are based on photographs from the archive of former Irish News photographer, the late Willie Carson.
Two of the posters are based on photographs from the archive of former Irish News photographer, the late Willie Carson.

One of the portraits was presented to Taoiseach, Simon Harris when he visited Derry this week.

Foundation secretary Tim Attwood said there was a close connection between Mr Martin and Mr Hume as the artist had designed posters for the former SDLP leader for his final EU election campaign in 1999.