Northern Ireland

Lurgan grinds to halt and flags put up on PSNI station as fans spill onto streets to celebrate All-Ireland win

PSNI station decorated with orange and white flags

Lurgan PSNI station decorated with Armagh flags
Lurgan PSNI station decorated with Armagh flags PICTURE: X

The Co Armagh town of Lurgan ground to a halt on Sunday night as hundreds of fans spilled onto the streets to celebrate the county’s second All-Ireland final victory.

In scenes reminiscent of 2002, some jubilant fans climbed onto the PSNI station in the centre of the town and decorated it with orange and white flags.

There were long tailbacks as drivers, seemingly not in any hurry, blasted their horns to join in the All-Ireland celebrations.

Several videos shared on social media showed the scale of the good-natured celebrations.

Sinn Féin MLA John O’Dowd described Sunday was an absolutely momentous occasion across the county.

“People came together to celebrate Armagh’s first All-Ireland win in 22 years,” he said.

Mr O’Dowd added: “The togetherness and community spirit over recent weeks as we approached the final has been phenomenal - people young and old empowered by belief in their sporting heroes to bring silverware back to the Orchard county.

“I want to congratulate the players, coaches and staff on winning the All-Ireland and giving us all cause for celebration this summer and wish them a well deserved rest.”