Northern Ireland

Man arrested in probe into race hate related incidents in Antrim

The 30-year-old was later released on bail

Fountain Hill estate
Graffiti sprayed onto the walls of a new housing development in Antrim. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

A man has been arrested by police investigating a number of race hate related incidents in Antrim.

Swastikas and neo-Nazi group Combat 18 graffiti appeared in the town in recent days, and there have been reports in recent weeks of a number of families leaving their homes following racist attacks.

On Tuesday, police said they arrested a 30-year-old man on suspicion of intimidation and criminal damage, relating to incidents within the Redford Grove and Ballycraigy area.

A police spokesperson said: “Following police investigations into racially motivated and sectarian hate crimes across the wider Ballycraigy area and the search of a property in the Ballycraigy Drive area of the town, officers arrested a 30 year-old man this morning and seized items for further examination.

“The man was arrested on suspicion of intimidation and criminal damage, relating to incidents within the Redford Grove and Ballycraigy area of Antrim.

“This arrest comes as dedicated officers were following up on a number of lines of inquiry in relation to a spate of recent crimes and incidents, which have caused great distress in the local community.”

They added: “We hope this arrest demonstrates how seriously we take reports of race related hate crimes and our commitment to bring offenders to justice, while supporting the victims and their families who are deeply affected by these reckless and despicable attacks.”

The man was later released on police bail pending further enquiries.