Northern Ireland

Chloe Mitchell memorial garden vandalised

Flowers were pulled out and stolen and letters pulled off a plant box

Chloe Mitchells family unveil a mural in her memory on the first anniversary of her death in Ballymena on Monday Evening.
Chloe Mitchell's father George, sister Nadine and brother Philip sit in front of the mural in Harryville.
Chloe Mitchell's father George, sister Nadine and brother Philip sit in front of the mural in Harryville. PICTURE: PACEMAKER

A memorial garden dedicated to murder victim Chloe Mitchell has been vandalised in Ballymena.

The mural of Chloe and floral tributes were unveiled in Harryville on the first anniversary of her death in June.

The ‘Justice for Chloe Mitchell’ page revealed the garden had been targeted the night before family and supporters travelled to Belfast for an update on the case into her killing.

According to the update flowers had been stolen from the memorial, with letters pulled off a plant box overnight between Thursday and Friday morning.

Family, friends and supporters of Ballymena murder victim Chloe Mitchell at Belfast Crown Court for an update on the case agaainst murder accused Brandon John Rainey
Family, friends and supporters of Ballymena murder victim Chloe Mitchell at Belfast Crown Court for an update on the case agaainst murder accused Brandon John Rainey

It said that an attempt to steal a granite memorial stone had failed.

Chloe’s father then spent Friday morning clearing up the damage before attending the court hearing.

A floral display and decorations were previously stolen from the site in July.

Police are investigating the latest incident and have urged anyone with information to contact them.