Northern Ireland

Michael McMonagle: Former Sinn Féin press officer pleads guilty to child sex offences

Sentencing will take place in November

Former senior Sinn Féin press officer, Michael McMonagle failed to appear before Derry Magistrate's court to answer child sex abuse charges.
Former senior Sinn Féin press officer Michael McMonagle

A former Sinn Fein press officer charged with sex offences will be sentenced on November 8 after he pleaded guilty to 14 charges.

Michael McMonagle (42) of Limewood Street in Derry appeared at the crown court where he faced two charges of attempted incitement a child to engage in sexual activity on dates in August 2021.

He was also charged with 12 counts of attempted sexual communication with a child on various dates in 2020 and 2021.

McMonagle pleaded guilty to all charges.

A defence barrister Kieran Mallon KC said they would be seeking pre-sentence report as well as a psychology report.

He said his client had been ‘bail compliant’ and asked that he be re-released to facilitate the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

The barrister added that McMonagle was aware of the sentencing powers of the court.

Judge Neil Rafferty told the defendant that he should co-operate with probation.

He told him he would re-release him on bail but he should not take that as an indication that a non-custodial sentence would follow as it was “likely a custodial sentence would follow”.

McMonagle was ordered to sign the Sex Offender’s Register and the duration of that will be determined at the sentencing hearing.