Northern Ireland

Prominent dissident republican arrested on ‘suspicion of sexual offences’

Man detained before Christmas as alleged victims tell how his favourite quote was ‘no-one says no to me’

The charity revealed it wants to create a safe house for those who have experienced human trafficking
A woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by a Belfast republican arrested before Christmas has urged other potential victims to come forward. Picture posed by a model. (Alamy Stock Photo)

A prominent dissident republican has been arrested on suspicion of sexual offences.

The man, who is in his 40s and cannot be named for legal reasons, was detained before Christmas and later released on bail, police have confirmed.

At least one woman has made a statement to the PSNI but it is understood up to five women have come forward to community groups to allege they have been sexually abused.

It is believed several women have met with a female community worker who has offered support and access to counselling services.

Sources say a women’s group is also aware of the troubling allegations.

One alleged victim, who does not want to be identified, told how she was regularly assaulted.

The woman said she was the victim of coercion and control and believes she was being stalked by the predator.

“Everywhere I went he was there,” she said.

The alleged victim said she was forced to meet the man regularly and is fearful others may also be targeted.

“Others are at risk and they should contact an appropriate organisation that can help,” she said.

Sources claim that women who attended lunches and political meetings involving the man were told not to mix socially, have social media contact or relationships with others outside his political circle.

It is claimed the man often used sexual innuendo at meetings, which went unchallenged, and that some women who moved in the same circles were the focus of unwanted attention, including inappropriate touching.

It is also suggested that women who attended meetings “were not allowed to say no” to any requests made.

“His favourite quote was ‘no-one says no to me’,” the alleged victim added.

A spokeswoman for the PSNI said detectives arrested a “man on suspicion of sexual offences on Sunday, December 22. He was released on bail to allow for further enquiries”.