Northern Ireland

Sinister posters warning against ‘facilitating’ Muslims branded ‘unacceptable and worrying’

Posters have appeared in recent days in the loyalist Rathcoole estate warning: “Anyone facilitating the settlement of Muslims or illegals in our areas will be held responsible”

Racist signs in the  Rathcoole estate
Anti-immigrant posters erected in the Rathcoole estate

The erection of anti-immigration posters near the Rathcoole estate in Newtownabbey have been condemned as “unacceptable and extremely concerning”.

A number of posters have appeared in the estate, on the outskirts of north Belfast, in recent weeks warning: “Anyone facilitating the settlement of Muslims or illegals in our areas will be held responsible.”

Other posters appearing on lampposts include statements warning: “Stop the illegal immigrants” and “We need to protect our children”.

Similar posters have previously been put up in other areas of the north recently, while Belfast erupted into racially fuelled disorder in August and a number of Muslim-owned businesses were targeted in arson attacks.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Alliance Party councillor Billy Webb condemned the latest posters.

“Erection of these posters is totally unacceptable and extremely concerning,” Mr Webb said.

“Those responsible do not represent the views of the broader community.

“There is no place in our community for racism, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, bigotry, or intimidation of any kind.”

DUP MLA for North Belfast Philip Brett said the Muslim community makes a “positive contribution” to the local area.

“The Muslim community makes a positive contribution to our local community, nursing our sick, educating our young people and growing the local economy,” Mr Brett said.

“The DUP have long advocated for a UK-wide immigration policy which properly deals with the issue of illegal immigration. We will continue to challenge the government on their failure to get to grips with this important issue.”

Racist signs in the  Rathcoole estate
Signs warning against illegal immigrants in Rathcoole

The PSNI in Antrim said it was aware of posters which appeared number of weeks ago.

An Inspector Patton said: “Where posters or other material such as this is discovered, they will be reviewed and an investigation will commence where there are offences made.

“At this time our officers are continuing to engage with the local community and representatives in the area, alongside our partner agencies in relation to the matter, to find a joint solution.

“I would appeal to anyone who may have any information which could assist with our enquiries to get in touch.”