Northern Ireland

Sinn Féin officials resign over providing references for now convicted child sex offender

Seán Mag Uidhir, a former newspaper editor, and Caolán McGinley, both party press officers, resigned from post and party after it emerged they provided references for Michael McMonagle following his arrest on child sex charges

Former Sinn Fein staffer Micheal McMonagle (Liam McBurney/PA)
Former Sinn Fein press officer Micheal McMonagle pleaded guilty to sex charges last week (Liam McBurney/PA)

Two Sinn Féin press officers have resigned from their posts and the party after it emerged they provided references for a now convicted child sex offender who went on to secure a job with the British Heart Foundation.

Seán Mag Uidhir, a former newspaper editor, and Caolán McGinley, who once headed Sinn Féin’s youth wing in Derry, offered their resignations after the party was told they provided references for Michael McMonagle.

McMonagle (42) of Limewood Street, Derry, last week pleaded guilty before the city’s crown court to two charges of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity on dates in August 2021.

He also pleaded guilty to 12 counts of attempted sexual communication with a child on various dates in 2020 and 2021. He is due to be sentenced in November.

Seán Mag Uidhir has resigned as Sinn Féin press officer
Seán Mag Uidhir has resigned as Sinn Féin press officer

In response to whether the two named individuals had resigned over providing references for McMonagle, Sinn Fein said on Sunday “that Seán Mag Uidhir and Caolán McGinley are no longer working as press officers”.

Mr Mag Uidhir and Mr McGinley were asked for comment.

In a statement, the party said: “Following a media inquiry, Sinn Féin was made aware that, three months after Michael McMonagle’s employment ended, two former work colleagues were asked for work references in relation to their assessment of his work as a press officer.

“Both provided these references without clearance from Sinn Féin. This was unacceptable and wrong.

“The references were not provided by, or on behalf of, Sinn Féin. Permission was not sought, nor would it have been given from the party for the provision of these references or their content.

“In view of the serious nature of this revelation, Sinn Féin undertook an immediate internal process. Before this process concluded, both press officers resigned from their positions and party membership with immediate effect.”

Sinn Féin president Mary Lou McDonald (centre) with party colleagues at the weekend ard fheis. PICTURE: NIALL CARSON/PA (Niall Carson/Niall Carson/PA Wire)

Mr Mag Uidhir (67) was a long time member of Sinn Féin after spending eight years in the Maze from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s for IRA activities. He also is a former editor of the North Belfast News.

McMonagle was first arrested on August 19, 2021, while working as a party press officer based in Stormont. According to Sinn Féin he told the party of his arrest and was immediately suspended from his job and the party.

In September 2022, McMonagle secured a job as a communications and engagement manager with the British Heart Foundation. It has been reported that he is no longer employed by the charity.

The 18-carat gold watch was found at a British Heart Foundation branch in Hounslow, west London.
Michael McMonagle, a now convicted sex offender, secured a job with the British Heart Foundation following his arrest