Northern Ireland

Support for Welcome Organisation to help it provide vital services off-site

‘We are appalled that one of our member organisations has been attacked in this way’ - Nicola McCrudden, Homeless Connect

A car was driven into the Welcome Centre on Townsend Street and set on fire. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
A car was driven into the Welcome Centre on Townsend Street and set on fire. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

A charity working with people with addiction problems - targeted in a ram-raid style attack - will be supported to continue providing its services off site.

Following the attack on its Belfast premises, the Welcome Organisation has received support from Homeless Connect, the north’s representative body for organisations providing homelessness services.

Welcome’s drop-in centre for people with addiction problems suffered extensive damage on Tuesday.

Nicola McCrudden, chief executive officer of Homeless Connect described Welcome as a “longstanding member”.

A car was driven into the Welcome Centre on Townsend Street and set on fire. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
A car was driven into the Welcome Centre on Townsend Street and set on fire. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

She added: “We at Homeless Connect stand in solidarity with the Welcome Organisation following the recent attack on their site at Townsend Street.

“We are appalled that one of our member organisations has been attacked in this way.

“During this highly challenging time, we have and will continue to seek to support the staff and leadership team at the Welcome Organisation.

“They provide a vital service, compassionately seeking to support people experiencing chronic homelessness in Belfast.”

According to Ms McCrudden, the Housing Executive and other sector partners are keen to support the Welcome Organisation.

She added: “As the representative body for the sector, we will work to ensure that the Welcome Organisation is able to continue to provide services off site to support people who continue to need their services in Belfast.”

Damage to the Welcome Organisation centre on Townsend Street, west Belfast
Damage to the Welcome Organisation centre on Townsend Street, west Belfast (PA/PA)

A man arrested by officers investigating the Welcome attack was released on bail on Thursday.

On Wednesday, sinister graffiti threatening to shoot workmen carrying out repairs on the centre was daubed on a nearby wall.