Northern Ireland

Video shows dog in driver’s seat as car travels on Belfast motorway

The footage has been shared widely online

Footage shows the dog hanging out the driver's side window of a car. PICTURE: SUNDAY LIFE
Footage shows the dog hanging out the driver's side window of a car. PICTURE: Reddit

A video which appears to show a dog at the driver’s seat of a car as it travelled only a busy motorway in Belfast has been shared widely online.

The footage shows the animal poking his head out of the driver window as the vehicle made its way along the citybound lane of the M3 in the city.

The small dog can be seen with its paws on the side of the door, as the driver indicates and merges into a nearby lane.

The Highway Code states that dogs or other animals should be “suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly”.

The Sunday Life reported that the footage was shared on the website Reddit last week and had prompted much commentary from viewers.

One wrote that he hoped the “dog had his driving test”, while another said “to be fair, he did indicate, which is more than can be said for some humans”.

However, the appearance of the dog close to the driver was criticised by others, with one viewer commenting: “It’s stupid on any road”.

Other critics said: “Far too many dogs sitting in cars unsecured or being nursed”, while another added “see this all the time, it’s so, so dangerous”.