Northern Ireland

Westminster Election 2024 platform: Alliance leader Naomi Long

Some of the biggest challenges facing devolution require action at Westminster

The party leader challenged the UK and Irish governments to show leadership and drive change to the devolved structures in Northern Ireland
Alliance leader Naomi Long at party's manifesto launch (Liam McBurney/PA)

Each election, people talk about what they’d like to change.

After 14 years of Tory government in Westminster and stop-start government at Stormont, the current list is long: access to healthcare, inclusive education, affordable childcare, peaceful communities, safer roads, investment in skills, a dynamic economy, tackling the cost of living and doing business, and combating climate change.

That’s just a few concerns people have raised – things that affect everyone.

And Alliance is leading change on all of them, and more.

They aren’t just challenges. They’re also opportunities for positive change – a chance to deliver more and better for everyone.

But to unlock that potential, we need people willing to lead change, focused on solutions and delivery. That’s what Alliance provides in Councils, the Assembly and Executive, and Westminster. With more MPs, we can deliver even more for you.

Restoration of devolution has underlined the strength and depth of Alliance, with 17 MLAs and two Ministers. We’ve a strong team, passionate about improving lives and making progress. But some of the biggest challenges facing devolution require action at Westminster.

Improving the financial deal for Northern Ireland is essential to enable investment in our public services. Alliance has been clear the current settlement, whilst helpful, is inadequate – £3.3 billion can’t fill the gap created by years of underfunding and Conservative cuts.

We need a new fiscal framework, to ensure we’re funded fairly, relative to need, but also new fiscal rules so we can invest in longer-term projects for the future, to improve infrastructure and address climate change. These are areas where Alliance has led the debate.

We’re also leading change in other areas.

The instability of our institutions has damaged public finances, public services and public confidence in politics. Vetoes exercised by Sinn Féin and the DUP cause delay and frustrate reform needed to transform our public services. However, that pales into insignificance compared to the damage inflicted by the ability of a single party to deny people any government at all. That isn’t democratic or acceptable.

The Good Friday Agreement has delivered positive change in our society and, while its principles remain sound, the structures now need updated to reflect that.

Alliance has led the debate on institutional reform, with proposals to ensure no single party can collapse our institutions again, all votes count equally and the use of vetoes is restricted. That change requires leadership in London and Dublin, and Alliance MPs will continue to press that case with both.

These two key issues must top the local political agenda at Westminster during the next Parliament. It is therefore vital positive and progressive Alliance MPs are there to lead the debate.

Of course, this election is not only a chance to remove a corrosive Conservative government, but also to hold to account local politicians who propped them up and supported some of their most regressive policies. Alliance is the main challenger in several key constituencies.

Returning Alliance MPs would send out a positive message our community is moving forward together, focused on our future and committed to strong relationships across these islands and with the EU, so we can grow a dynamic and inclusive economy and society.

Over the last five years, Alliance has been a voice of reason in the face of Tory toxicity. Stephen Farry, a consistent opponent of Brexit, resisted the hard or no-deal Brexit others championed, and led calls for both a UK-EU veterinary agreement and mutually agreed grace periods on the implementation of the Protocol.

He was the first MP to champion a financial package to help Northern Ireland’s public finances, and one of the first to call on the UK Government to introduce a furlough scheme during Covid, ensuring individuals and businesses received financial support. He also secured an exemption for third-party non-visa nationals living on this island from the electronic travel authorisation.

When I previously served as East Belfast MP, I secured a change the law so other parties had to follow Alliance’s lead and publish large donations and also ensured government legislated to end the practice of double-jobbing.

We’ve proven we can lead change in Westminster. A bigger team of Alliance MPs would multiply our ability to deliver for everyone.

The power to lead that change is in your hands.

Your support plus our commitment equals a brighter, more positive future for everyone.

On July 4, vote Alliance.