Northern Ireland

Westminster Election 2024 platform: People Before Profit - Gerry Carroll

‘Now more than ever, we need socialist MPs to take on those at Westminster and Stormont’

Gerry Carroll from PBP speaking at rally in support of the Palestine cause in Belfast . PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
Gerry Carroll. Picture by Mal McCann

A vote for People Before Profit is a vote for principled socialist representatives who will stand up for ordinary people.

This election is an opportunity to kick out the Tories, and to vote for candidates who can be trusted to fight for workers, for public services, and for solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Now more than ever, we need socialist MPs to take on those at Westminster and Stormont who have gutted public services and attacked the sick, poor, and vulnerable.

Every election those in power make big promises that they haven’t kept. They promised a new dawn when Stormont was restored yet are now punishing our communities with budget cuts, which are decimating our health service, schools, and other services we rely on.

I have been proud to stand with health workers demanding investment into the NHS and against a government that has cut pay, decimated services, and forced many to take strike action.

People Before Profit reps have used our platform to demand investment in social homes, to call for rent controls, and to demand action on skyrocketing mortgage costs, against a government that has reneged on promises to tackle poverty, implement a childcare strategy, and more.

Unlike the big parties, we can be trusted to consistently fight for all of those who have been let down by inequality and injustice.

Every person on a health waiting list, who can’t see a GP or a dentist, is a reason to reject the establishment parties.

The 47,000 people languishing on the housing waiting list are 47,000 reasons to demand change. Every very child living in poverty, attending an underfunded or under-resourced school is a reason to reject the Tories and those in the Sinn Féin and DUP-led Executive who implement Tory policy.

You deserve a voice that will advocate for our health service, for education, and for the demands of workers and their trade unions.

You deserve representatives who fight for greater taxes on the rich, to help invest in our NHS, our education system, and in public transport.

We will use every opportunity in this contest and every platform afforded to us to stand up for you.

People need committed representatives who will face down division - who will fight to uplift all working people from all communities.

People across these islands have been steadfast in standing against Israel’s brutal genocide in Gaza - People Before Profit has been proud to be part of that movement. Yet those in power in Westminster and Stormont, have stood with Israel and its backers, including Genocide Joe Biden.

We need an alternative that will put people’s welfare and wellbeing first - wherever they are.

In this election you can vote for representatives with principles. Who will stand for working class people, for public services, and for Palestine.

On July 4, vote People Before Profit.