Northern Ireland

Wildlife charity declares ‘butterfly emergency’ amid concerning decline

A leading scientist says the figures indicate nature is sounding an ‘alarm call’

The Small Tortoiseshell Species has the lowest number of sightings since the establishment of The Butterfly Conservation
The Small Tortoiseshell Species has the lowest number of sightings since the establishment of The Butterfly Conservation

A wildlife charity has said there is a “butterfly emergency” amid a hugely concerning decline in numbers of the insects.

Just four butterflies on average were counted every 15 minutes in the north during a recent study - a 50% decrease from last year.

It marks the lowest number recorded by the Butterfly Conservation in its 14-year history.

Over 85,000 citizen scientists took part in the count in 2024
Over 85,000 people took part in the count in 2024

Figures show there were 5,285 butterflies spotted in Northern Ireland between July 12 and August 4, down more than 13,200 or 71% in 2023.

Dr Richard Fox, head of science at the conservation, said: “Butterflies are a key indicator species; when they are in trouble we know that the wider environment is in trouble too”.

The charity said it was the worst year in the history of the count for the small tortoiseshell and red admiral butterflies, and the second worst year for peacock, six-spot burnet, small copper, small white and speckled wood.

The endangered Speckled Wood butterfly
The endangered Speckled Wood butterfly

Figures show that 143,241 counts were submitted by over 85,000 people across the UK – equating to four years of time counting.

It found that 9,000 of these counts, which were taken in the countryside, parks, gardens and school grounds, recorded 0 butterflies.

The Butterfly Conservation has said the statistics reveal a “butterfly emergency”.

This drastic reduction has been related to toxic pesticides that are used on farmland that butterflies and caterpillars are feeding on.

Dr Fox said: “Nature is sounding the alarm call.

“We must act now if we are to turn the tide on these rapid declines and protect species for future generations.”

The conservation has launched a petition against lethal pesticides used in farming
The conservation charity has launched a petition against lethal pesticides used in farming

He added: “If we don’t act now to address the long-term drivers of butterfly decline, we will face extinction events never before seen in our lifetime”.

The charity wants to see a complete ban on neonicotinoid pesticides and is calling on the UK government to act now.

“If every single person who helped with the count this summer signs our letter to the government, we could prevent the very real and pressing threat of species becoming extinct in our lifetime,” said Dr Fox.

The deadline to sign the petition is October 13.