Northern Ireland

Terminally ill sex offender Liam Adams moved out of prison

Liam Adams pictured during a battle in the Dublin High Court against his extradition in 2010
Liam Adams pictured during a battle in the Dublin High Court against his extradition in 2010

PAEDOPHILE Liam Adams has been moved from Maghaberry Prison to an outside medical facility for end-of-life care.

The 63-year-old brother of former Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams was found guilty in 2013 of the rape and sexual assault of his young daughter.

Less than halfway through his 16-year-jail term he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and received treatment before his transfer in the past week.

Aine Dahlstrom, who waived her right to anonymity, was four in March 1977 when her father first assaulted her. The abuse escalated to rape in May 1978. The abuse continued until March 1983, only stopping when she was aged around nine.

Mrs Dahlstrom returned to Belfast from Scotland in 2006 to have the case against her father reopened. He was interviewed by police in November 2007. She went public in December 2009. There were further legal wrangles, leading to Adams fleeing to the Republic, where for a time he fought a European Arrest Warrant.

He was handed over to the PSNI in November 2011, having failed to challenge the extradition process. He continued to deny any wrongdoing, putting his victim through two lengthy trials. The first in April 2013 collapsed for legal reasons. The second started in September of that year.

A jury convicted him and in November 2013 Judge Corinne Philpott sentenced the west Belfast man to 16 years in prison, with two further years to be served on probation. In 2015 an appeal against the conviction failed.

Adams has served most of his sentence in segregation, over fears for his safety because of the high-profile nature of his conviction.

His second wife and daughter supported him throughout the criminal process and have been with him since his move to an outside medical facility.

A spokesperson for the prison service said it does not comment on individuals.