Northern Ireland

Culture Night goes large

Alice LA helps launch Culture Night in Belfast which is due to start on September 20. Picture by Mark Marlow.
Alice LA helps launch Culture Night in Belfast which is due to start on September 20. Picture by Mark Marlow.

BELFAST has so much culture that one night has become a weekend, with hundreds of free, family friendly events across the city centre across two days.

This year's Culture Night (& Day) on September 20 and 21 will explore the the themes `pride, accessibility and sustainability'.

Culture Night manager Claire Hall said taking over the role "has inspired me to look at Belfast anew; re-examine how we interact with our public spaces and places, to take fresh pride our city."

She said it is the most inclusive year yet "in terms of gender and sexual identity" and will also be "addressing accessibility head-on, with quiet, accessible spaces dotted throughout the city".

Among the 2019 `firsts' are the opening up of the Masonic Hall on Rosemary Street for two days of screenings, performances and activities and a `Street Feast' food and drink market at St Anne's Cathedral.

The Cathedral Gardens will be transformed into `the Light Gardens' for a mini-festival of live music, while the Metro Cabaret Bus will provide a portable, if bijou, speakeasy.

Among the green innovations are free water refills and reuseable water bottles in collaboration with NI Water, and there will be the CNB Recycle Zone at St Anne's Cathedral separated waste to recycle it for use by local businesses.

Culture Nighters are also encouraged to leave their cars at home and come to events by peddle or leg power, with extra trains and late night buses laid on by Translink.

Belfast lord mayor John Finucane said he is "delighted to see Culture Night expand to become Culture Night and Day - meaning even more people from all ages and backgrounds can get involved".

"If you’ve been before, you’ll know that it’s a joyous, inspirational and inclusive event that brings out the very best of Belfast’s creativity and welcoming, fun spirit," he said.

Events run on Friday September 20 1-9pm and Saturday September 21 10am-5pm.

The full programme is available at