Northern Ireland

Plan B measures to be dropped across England, Boris Johnson says

<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;; ">The British Government will also no longer mandate the wearing of face masks in England from next Thursday and they will be scrapped in classrooms from this Thursday.</span>
The British Government will also no longer mandate the wearing of face masks in England from next Thursday and they will be scrapped in classrooms from this Thursday.

Plan B measures aimed at tackling the spread of Covid-19 are to be dropped across England, the Prime Minister has announced.

Boris Johnson told MPs in the House of Commons more than 90% of over-60s across the UK had now had booster vaccines to protect them, and scientists believed the Omicron wave had peaked.

He said the Government had taken a “different path” to much of Europe and the “data are showing that, time and again, this Government got the toughest decisions right”.

People will no longer be told to work from home and, from Thursday next week when Plan B measures lapse, mandatory Covid certification will end, Mr Johnson said.

The British Government will also no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere from next Thursday and they will be scrapped in classrooms from this Thursday.

The news comes as Covid infection levels are falling in most parts of the UK for the first time since early December.