Northern Ireland

Police appeal for information on fighting among guests at Belfast MMA event in April

Footage shared last month shows fighting breaking out at a charity MMA event at a south Belfast hotel.
Footage shared last month shows fighting breaking out at a charity MMA event at a south Belfast hotel.

POLICE have appealed for information on a fight involving a number of people last month at a charity mixed martial arts event in south Belfast

The incident occurred at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Milltown Road on Saturday April 9, during a "glamorous black tie event" hosted by Ultra MMA.

The event, featuring several mixed martial arts bouts, was organised to raise funds for Cancer Research.

Footage that emerged last month shows a number of people fighting in the car park of the venue, as people attempt to intervene.

Police were called to the scene, but said the crowd dispersed upon their arrival and no complaints or reports of injuries were made.

A PSNI spokesperson said today that enquiries into the incident were continuing, and appealed to "anyone with any information in relation to this incident or who may feel they were a victim of assault, to come forward".